Are you wasting your O365 subscription?

Even if the subscription model is making more companies look like slow money drains, subscribing to Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is well worth the investment.

Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but that is actually the bare minimum that O365 offers.

How do I maximize my Microsoft Teams?

If you’re like most people, your chat app is limited to asking basic questions or maybe touching base with a colleague. You switch tabs to do one thing and toggle back to do another. It would be great if completing a task were just a matter of keyboard shortcuts and menu items in a single window.

Workplace Analytics evaluates employees’ productivity

Measuring productivity is an important process in an employee’s performance evaluation. Previously, Microsoft’s Office 365 had MyAnalytics, a tool for employees to monitor their own performance. But Microsoft improved on it with Workplace Analytics, which now allows managers to also view and evaluate their staff’s productivity.

The latest and greatest Office 365 updates

Office 365 just keeps getting better and better. Check out how these new and upcoming enhancements can improve productivity.
Write and draw with digital ink
Typing is easy on desktops and laptops, but when you’re on touch-enabled devices, keyboards are cumbersome to use, whether they are extra hardware or as space invaders on your screen.