US itek’s Blog

Windows 10 updates won’t be slow if you use these tricks

Windows 10 users are well aware that installing updates can take a long time. We hear users complaining about it all the time. Why are Windows 10 updates so slow, and what can users do? Here’s our take.
Why do updates take so long to install?
Windows 10 updates take a while to complete because Microsoft is constantly adding larger files and features to them.

Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated tactics, so you must strengthen your privacy settings to keep them away.

Lock screens exist for a reason

Lock all your computing devices as soon as you stop using them.

Ways healthcare practices benefit from online scheduling

To succeed in today’s technology-driven world, healthcare facilities now have to provide convenience alongside top-notch patient care. Online scheduling makes it easy for patients to book their medical appointments.

Even if the use of smartphones, tablets, and other internet-connected devices has already permeated society, many healthcare facilities have trouble keeping up with the times.

Why jailbreaking your iPad is a bad idea

The big idea behind jailbreaking an iPad is to go around the restrictions Apple imposes on how you can use and control your device. Jailbreaking your iPad can be a rewarding experience, as it boosts your device’s functionality in many ways. However, it does have some serious disadvantages that you should consider before you decide to jailbreak your iPad.

Configuring Windows 10 on your laptop

Did you just buy a new laptop? Then it probably has Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 10, pre-installed. Windows 10 is packed with some interesting features and a revamped user interface. Even if you are an expert at navigating various menus and apps, you may still need help with Windows 10's approach to computing, so let's get you started with these tips.

Boost your online presence in 4 easy ways

What do customers think of your company? Are they happy with your products? Do you have a good image online? If not, these easy tips will help you reach more customers in no time at all. Read this article to learn more.

Be seen on search results

In his book on online reputation management, Tyler Collins, a digital marketing expert for Fortune 500 companies, mentions the importance of a company’s search results that appear after pressing enter.