Get fat savings with thin and zero clients

When you have several cost-effective options like cloud computing and managed services providers, IT spending should never get out of control. And if you want to cut back even further, trade in your expensive desktops for thin and zero clients.

What are thin and zero clients?
Thin clients are stripped-down computers with minimum processing power and memory.

Your business needs a UPS system

For some businesses, power loss could result in profit loss. Natural disasters such as storms and hurricanes, construction or utility accidents, and other unforeseeable technical failures can put your business’s operations to a grinding halt. Businesses that depend on a continuous power supply to function might endure a slight disruption, but some might not.

Cashing in on an Idea: Is now the Right Time?

Consumers purchase millions of dollars in new software and hardware every year. Many of the products they buy stay current only for a short period of time, but the money that passes through the economy cannot be under-appreciated. If you have come up with the perfect software or hardware, it is tempting to work on licensing it right away and get your piece of the proverbial pie.