When Pre-installed Apps Create Risks

Bloatware is generally considered harmless, but what about when these unnecessary apps turn into a security risk? A recent report shows that a pre-installed app in some versions of Windows 10 had an alarming plugin flaw:

Tavis Ormandy, a researcher from Google's Project Zero, recently discovered that a compromised password management app, Keeper, had been installed with some versions of Windows 10. For a brief period, Keeper's browser extension, when enabled, allowed websites to easily steal login credentials.

Windows 10 makes decluttering easy

You may be surprised to know how many unnecessary files, or what we’d call “clutter,” are stored on your PC, causing it to perform at less than its peak. The good news is you can get rid of it easily with Windows 10’s new declutter tools. But first, you need to know exactly what clutter is, how it can harm your machine, and how to clean it up.