Most employees are heavily reliant on their smartphones to contact clients and coworkers as well as work on the go. So if your iPhone runs out of battery, it can significantly hinder productivity and communications. However, you can easily avoid this outcome by following the six simple tips we’ve compiled below.
Avoid a dead iPhone with these simple tips
Spotty home Wi-Fi? Try wireless repeaters and access points

Residential Wi-Fi connections are slower and less reliable than enterprise-grade ones. But now that more people have shifted to remote work, having a fast and stable wireless connection at home is more important than ever. What can you do to ensure you don’t suffer dropped Wi-Fi signals while you’re in a videoconference or finishing up a report? Look into getting wireless repeater devices and additional access points.
Why UPS is necessary for network equipment

Fire, flood, storm, and other disasters can lead to power failure and productivity loss. Using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for computers ensures you never lose unsaved work, but without the internet, you’re practically crippled. To avoid that dilemma, we highly recommend using UPS for your networking equipment, including cable modems, wireless access points, and routers.
Top 4 reasons for sluggish mobile internet

Fed up with your smartphone because of its slow internet speed? Before you rush off to the nearest electronics store to buy a new one, take a look at these four possible reasons why your phone’s internet connection is slow.
Router location
One simple yet overlooked reason why your Wi-Fi-connected phone may be experiencing internet lag is because of your router’s location.
Tips to extend your iPhone battery life
Should you use UPS for your network gear?
10 ways to speed up your Wi-Fi

Much like unpredictable thunderstorms, internet problems relentlessly plague those wishing to get some work done or catch up on the latest movies. Instead of waiting for divine intervention, take it upon yourself to get rid of sluggish connections. Not only do these ten tips reduce frustration but they also help you speed up your Wi-Fi:
Router centralization and elevation
For optimal signal strength it is best to place the router in the middle of the room, away from other electronics without any doors or walls obstructing it either.
Tips to ensure a successful iPhone iOS update
How to extend your iPhone battery life

You’re on the go today - out of the office, out of the house, and attending a business event. Everything is going fine and dandy until you look down at your phone to see your worst nightmare come true. Your iPhone is at 25 percent battery life. Before you panic, know that the answer to your dilemma may just be in the palm of your hand: in the Settings of your phone.